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Chew See Hui

10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Abalone

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

Kansom Singapore Sea Sauces

Kansom Singapore brings together excellence in creation and aims to achieve the best dining experience. We utilise revolutionary methods to present the most premium seafoods.

Our abalone lie on the edge of the Great Southern Ocean, at the bottom of Australia, giving us access to one of the last remaining healthy, wild resources of Abalone. Abalone is not only a delicacy in Asian culinary, but also has a history with Australian Aborigines who for thousands of years enjoyed this shellfish.

Our purpose is to bring rare items such as Abalone, which are rich in tradition, culture and health into the 21st Century by giving you, the consumer the opportunity to share in the experience of this delicacy. For Kansom, it is important that you have the genuine experience with minimal processing aids or chemicals – pure is the best.

In 1992, we produced the world's first commercial "real" Abalone sauce as one of our many successful global innovations.

Since then, a gourmet collection of sea sauces inspired by the sea was made from the highest quality abalone and scallops was borne. The Sea Sauces are organic and have undergone sustainable harvesting. Delightfully, no MSG has been added into our sea sauces, guaranteeing a healthy eating experience.

Our mission is to provide premium seafood products fresh from the sea to the table. Our vision is to imagine a world of high quality seafood products, which are beneficial to the health and sustainably produced.

Kansom Abalone Sea Sauce

In the interests of producing premium seafood products, Kansom has come up with the Abalone Sea Sauce which contains a substantial amount of abalone extract (61%). View the video below to see an example of how the Abalone Sea Sauce can be used in a stir-fry to delight and please home guests!

Why do we use choose to focus on abalone? One of the reasons are the health benefits of abalone consumption.

What is abalone?

The abalone is regarded as one of the most prized food items in Chinese culture - on par with bird's nest, shark's fin and sea cucumber. It is called "Bao Yu" in mandarin, which means definite abundance. The Chinese gift each other with Abalone during Chinese New Year to wish each other abundance of wealth in the new year.

The flavor of abalone is very similar to clams or scallops; it is naturally buttery and salty. However, the texture is much firmer, chewier and meatier. There are many ways to prepare abalone - it can be stir-fried, sautéed, steamed, grilled, pan-fried, stewed or eaten raw sashimi-style (Evans, 2019).

Old Chinese medicinal textbooks include abalone as a precious ingredient with medicinal benefits. Abalone flesh was known to be especially nourishing for the 'yin' to counter the 'yang'. Interestingly, abalone juice was also used to treat various blood diseases in ancient China too.

Indeed, abalone is not only tasty, but also an excellent source of many vital nutrients. Abalone is a great source of: Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Iron, Magnesium and Phosporous (Two Oceans Abalone, n.d.).

Following are some benefits of abalone consumption for health:

1) Reduces heart disease risk

Abalone contains high quantity of omega 3, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is very useful for reducing heart disease levels. These fatty acids reduces the level of blood triglycerides in humans, and thus reduces the risk of heart disease (Mohebi-Nejad & Bikdeli, 2014).

2) Cancer prevention

Based on research, results have revealed that abalone extract possesses anti-cancer properties by triggering the death of tumor cells and necrosis. It was found in a 2010 study that abalone visceral extract may stop tumor growth and promote CD8+ T cell proliferation and cytolytic function (Lee et al., 2010).

3) Boosts immune system

The omega-3 fatty acids found in abalone can improve the immune system. Research found that foods high in DHA appeared to boost activity of a white blood cell called a B call, an important part of the body's immune response (Gurzell et al., 2013).

4) Regulates thyroid function

Thyroid hormones are necessary for normal development of tissues such as the central nervous system. Abalone contains a large quantity of iodine (Doh & Park, 2018) which is important in the function of the thyroid gland. Abalone also contains copper which facilitates thyroid function by boosting hormones and improving metabolic functions.

5) Maintain liver health

Abalone is a natural liver supplement and enhances the detoxifying abilities of the liver. This is because it supports the metabolic functions of the liver. It also prevents liver damage from regular or excessive alcohol consumption.

6) Prevents joint pain

Joint health results in mobility and flexibility. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and injury to the joints are common diseases that lead to severe disability. Gylcosaminoglycans, which promotes healthy joints and connection tissue is found naturally in significant amounts in abalone; it also supports joint mobility and therefore reduces arthritis pain and inflammation (Suleria, 2015).

7) Keeps our bones healthy

The high amount of phosphorus and calcium in abalone is very good for bone health. Both works in tandem to help improve bone density and keeps our bones healthy.

8) Weight management

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of abalone help to maintain metabolic equilibrium, preventing fat accumulation. Due to its ability to support different metabolic functions of the body, it has been used in most detox diets (Evans, 2019).

9) Benefits eye health

Abalone supports eye health in many ways. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A and B-complex vitamins such as vitamin riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamins B6, and B12. All these are beneficial for eye health (Nutrinz, 2019).

10) Enhances sexual energy and vitality

Abalone has been used as an aphrodisiac to boost sexual performance since ancient times (Nutrinz, 2020).

Our abalone sauce has been produced to harness these health benefits. Visit our product listings to purchase today!

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